


Solution for Mainland Chinese users to use Shopify Payment

Mainland users use Shopify Payment. First of all, the answer is no. Here is the solution:

  1. Register a Hong Kong company (costing between 4000RMB-5000RMB, of course, you can also choose to register a company in other countries, the price of which I am not sure about).

  2. Register with TransferWise and apply for a Hong Kong dollar receiving bank account. (Please note to choose Hong Kong dollar receiving, select the Shopify platform. Shopify Payment in Hong Kong company only supports Hong Kong dollar deposits).

Even if the above conditions are met, you still cannot open Shopify Payment. This is because Shopify Payment does not support Chinese mainland ID verification, so the verification will still not pass.

  1. Apply for a passport (Shopify Payment does not support Chinese mainland ID verification, but supports passport applications for Chinese mainland identities).

  2. Submit company information, bank account information, and passport information in the background (please note that the information must be filled in correctly, as it cannot be changed after submission. If changes are needed, contact customer service for assistance).

  3. Once approved, the front end will display icons for various payment platforms, indicating completion. (If not approved, Shopify Payment will inform you which part of the verification failed. Re-verification is required).

  4. You can create a link for a low-priced product of 1-10 USD for payment verification. If the backend shows "funds in process," it means the setup is complete.


  1. Some users may not see the Shopify Payment button in the backend because the platform has determined that they do not meet the requirements and has hidden it. Contact Shopify Payment customer service to request activation. They will inform you of the necessary website modifications. After making the changes, contact customer service again to activate Shopify Payment, which will then be visible in the backend. Proceed with steps 1/2/3/4/5 as mentioned above.

  2. It is advisable to avoid using Chinese third-party payment methods, as it can be more complicated. Issues may include unclear deductions, opaque billing, difficult withdrawals, and complex website verifications that may falsely indicate non-compliance with regulations (despite being compliant in reality).

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